Auto Glass Repair

Auto Glass Repair

a man in blue gloves cleaning a broken windshield

What is Auto Glass Repair

When the integrity of your vehicle's auto glass is compromised, be it from a rock chip or a small crack, automotive glass repair emerges as the optimal solution. This specialized process is designed to rectify minor damage to your vehicle's windshield, addressing imperfections and enhancing safety without necessitating a complete auto glass replacement.

Automotive Glass Repair Process

Damage Assessment

The first step in automotive glass repair is a thorough evaluation of the damage. Skilled technicians assess the size, location, and depth of chips, cracks, or bullseye damage to determine if repair is feasible.

Cleaning and Preparation

After assessing the damage, the technician cleans the affected area, removing dirt, debris, and moisture. This step ensures a pristine surface for the repair process.

Resin Injection

A specialized resin, formulated for optimal adhesion to automotive glass, is injected into the damaged area. This resin fills the void left by the damage, effectively sealing it and restoring the windshield's structural integrity.

Curing Process

Ultraviolet (UV) light or other curing methods are applied to the resin, hardening it and bonding it to the glass. This step typically takes only a few minutes.

Polishing and Finishing

After curing, the repaired area is polished to match the clarity of the surrounding glass, ensuring that your field of vision is not compromised.

Benefits of Auto Glass Repair


Repairing minor damage is generally more budget-friendly than a full windshield replacement.


Repairs are typically completed in a short amount of time, allowing you to get back on the road quickly.

Environmental Impact

Repairing rather than replacing windshields reduces waste and benefits the environment.


Repairing minor damage enhances the overall safety of your vehicle by preventing further spreading of cracks and improving visibility.

When should I get my Auto Glass Repaired?

Auto glass repair should be sought promptly when minor damage occurs, such as small chips, cracks, or bullseye marks on your vehicle's windshield. Addressing these issues early prevents them from worsening due to temperature changes, vibrations, or road debris.

Timely repair not only ensures your safety by maintaining clear visibility but also offers cost-effective solutions. It prevents the need for more expensive windshield replacements and reduces environmental impact by minimizing waste. When considering auto glass repair, acting swiftly can save you money and maintain your vehicle's structural integrity.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can be repaired in auto glass?

    Auto glass repair typically addresses small cracks, chips, and bullseye damage on windshields. Repair is a practical solution for damage that meets specific criteria, such as being smaller than a dollar bill, not obstructing the driver's line of sight, and not located near the windshield's edges. 

    However, severe damage or cracks longer than six inches may require a full windshield replacement. It's crucial to consult with a professional auto glass technician to assess the specific damage and determine if repair is a viable option, ensuring safe and cost-effective solutions.

  • How much does auto glass repair cost?

    the cost of auto glass repair can vary based on factors like the type of damage and the vehicle's make and model. Generally, repairs for small chips and cracks range from $50 to $150, making them an affordable option. 

    However, insurance coverage may reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket costs, depending on your policy. 

    Reach out to Taylor Auto Glass Repairs and we can get you an accurate quote!

  • Do I need to replace my auto glass or can it be repaired?

    Whether you need to replace or repair your auto glass depends on the extent and type of damage. 

    Generally, small chips, cracks, and bullseye damage that are smaller than a dollar bill and not in the driver's line of sight can often be repaired. However, larger cracks, severe damage, or damage near the windshield's edges may require a full replacement. 

    To determine the best course of action, it's advisable to reach out to us for a consultation.

    We can assess the damage accurately and provide expert guidance tailored to your specific situation.

  • Is auto glass repair covered by insurance in new jersey?

    You'll be happy to know that in the great state of New Jersey, auto glass repair often gets a little love from your insurance. It's usually part of that comprehensive coverage deal. You know, the one that takes care of things like unexpected windshield mishaps, vandalism, or falling debris.

    Sometimes, there might be a deductible involved, and policies can be as unique as your favorite beach spot. So, a quick chat with your insurance crew or our friendly team here at Taylor Auto Glass Repairs can clear up the details.

  • How long does auto glass repair take?

    Auto glass repair usually takes around 60 to 90 minutes, give or take. Now, keep in mind, it can vary depending on a few things – like the make and model of your ride and the complexity of the repair. We like to keep things chill and efficient, so you're back on the road in no time. 

    While we work our magic, you can always kick back, grab a cup of joe, or catch up on some reading. We'll have you rolling with a clear view before you know it!

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